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Rockhaven By The Numbers

​About the Statistical Data

Publicly available statistical data on the residents of Rockhaven during its more than fifty years in operation is limited.  Federal census takers noted that most of the information about residents was provided by nursing staff.


However, based on census data, some preliminary conclusions can be drawn.


In 1930, the average resident age was 60. Forty-four residents lived at Rockhaven.  The oldest resident was 86, and the youngest was 23.

In 1940, the average age was 63. One hundred and nine residents lived there.  The oldest resident was 90, and the youngest was 22.

In 1950, the average age was 67.  Eighty-two residents lived there.  The oldest resident was 101 and the youngest was 17.

Population of Rockhaven, Residents Only, 1930-1950
bar chart of resident population.jpg
Data Analysis by Age, 1930-1950
pie chart age 1930 Census.jpg
pie chart age 1940 Census.jpg
pie chart age 1950 Census.jpg
Data Analysis by Marital Status, 1930-1950
pie chart marital status 1930 Census.jpg
pie chart marital status 1940 Census.jpg
pie chart marital status 1950 Census.jpg
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