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What does the future hold for Rockhaven?


Glendale city officials reveal possibilities for former sanitarium site

OCT 28, 2016

Several months after soliciting project proposals for renovating the former Rockhaven Sanitarium, the city released this week several submitted designs for review online, and the City Council will hear summaries of them during a public meeting on Tuesday.

Built in 1923, Rockhaven, located in Montrose, closed more than a decade ago. The city purchased the landmark site in 2008 for $8.25 million to prevent it from being razed to make way for a senior-living project.

There are seven proposals from different development firms. Each offers a comprehensive rehabilitation of the Rockhaven site that falls under three city-designated categories: medical or mental-health-related facility, a boutique-lifestyle commercial center or any other reuse of the property that includes a public park.

Avalon Investment Co. and Creative Space are proposing a boutique hotel and community garden to be called "The Retreat at Rockhaven." The two companies plan to build a hub for art, history and well-being. A spa, restaurant and lounge, as well an indoor-outdoor community events center, are among other public amenities included in the plan.

A joint submission by firms Brooks Street and the LAB proposes a mixed-use retail location with open spaces and a building for community groups. The design includes bungalow-type housing for the employees of the various shops and eateries in the character of Rockhaven as it was in the 1920s. The proposal also incorporates creative spaces, health and wellness areas and outdoor food markets.

If firm Cliffside Malibu is selected, Rockhaven would reopen as a behavioral-health facility, restoring the property close to its originally intended use. The facility would focus on delivering substance-abuse treatment, along with free public meeting facilities and support groups.

1 Comment

Aug 25, 2022

The future of Rockhaven I see is a community garden with individual plot to make a therapeutic garden. It is a city land not to hard to do the garden, then have area for out doo yoga class for seniors , have some benches to make a out door library, this way we will be able to preserve and save this historical place by using it in a different way. It can be a seniors out door club. But if you like to make some profit you can rant it to different out door events.

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