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Museum Entry, Courtesy of Friends of Rockhaven.


A Haven Lost to Time

When the towering gates of Rockhaven institution officially slammed shut, they didn't just close on over a century of mental health care; they locked away countless untold stories that have been undocumented until now. This transition was a pivotal moment of Rockhavens haven history as the uncertainty of the future was left to rot as the closure of the institution marked an end to these Ladies' memories.


By 2001 Patricia Traviss sold this sanctuary for women to the Ararat Home of LA Inc that was known for being an elder care company that planned to repurpose these grounds into a senior care center. 1 While this corporation took over, there was a struggle to maintain the operations and practicality of this mental health institution that inevitably spiraled downhill due to financial strain.2 Five years later, the closure of these grounds were closed and abandoned by 2006.3


Rockhaven's Struggle for Preservation: Community Efforts and Shifting Priorities


For the next two years it was left untouched, in April of 2008, the City of Glendale saved the land and bought the property of 3.3 acres for a large sum of 8.25 million.4 Locals feared that large commercial companies may purchase and destroy the historical site so they tried to think of ways that this land may be useful to the community. There were vague mentions about how the restoration would pan out, though there was one thing that was certain, the land would be revitalized for public access.  The plan was to begin the restoration in 2008, but due to the recession and financial constraints, the city redirected its funds to other priorities and it was once again abandoned.5















Courtesy of Rockhaven City Council




When the city had revisited Rockhaven in 2015, their priorities had changed. The city council focused on ways that they could bring in revenue after the economic recession contrasting their original plan.6 The real estate developers from Brook Streets and Lab Holdings (LLC) conversed with the city and dabbled with different plans for the site.7 It was indicated that they would build, “ more than 80 new housing units in the style of Rockhaven's historic bungalow courts.”8 There was also discussion about uprooting twenty-six of the California oak that resided on site where it is theorized that these trees were over 600 years of age.9


The collective idea to replace the area with housing units and removal of ancient trees had angered the public that fueled locals to petition against the thought.10 So, the concept was dismissed and replaced with a focus on preserving the site by the nonprofit volunteer group named Friends of Rockhaven. On June 9, 2016, Rockhaven Sanitarium was added to the California and National Registers of Historic Places with the help from Historical Resources Group, a historical preservation organization in Pasadena.11



Community Advocacy and Engagement: Reviving Rockhaven's Legacy


Joanna Linkchorst, the Friends of Rockhaven’s president has done a great job of bringing the community together. They have even created social media pages to bring more eyes onto the project, including their instagram which is constantly updated with events and information regarding the property.12 Volunteers from Friends of Rockhaven have organized events on the property that gives visitors information about the historical buildings and how this was a place for female mental health. In the Rockhaven Sanitarium : The Legacy of Agnes Richards by Elisa Jordan mentioned that 


“...running tours of the three-and-a-half-acre campus, which was left perfectly intact after residents and staff vacated. For the first time, community members, neighbors and history buffs were given the opportunity to see the unique property in person and behind the scenes. Being able to actually walk through the bungalows, hospital area, dining room and gardens enabled visitors to experience the space rather than just hearing or reading about it. Because the property was not technically open to the public, tours were free of charge.”13














Courtesy of Rockhaven City Council.15


Following up in June of 2021, Senator Anthony Portantino approved the grant for $8 million dollars, 


“Converting the Rockhaven grounds into a museum dedicated to the legacy of Agnes Richards, women’s history, and telling the story of compassionate care for women with mental health challenges ensures that we honor the historical significance of this site and the legacy of those who created it,” commented Senator Portantino.”14















Timeline, courtesy of Rockhaven City Council.15




During the last three years from 2021-2024, since the approval of the $8 million plan, there has unfortunately not been much movement in reconstruction for the property. Following towards the end of the year there was another decision made by the Los Angeles Superior Court where they stated,

“On Friday, Oct. 25, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Stephen I. Goorvitch signed court papers in which he agreed to retain jurisdiction over the case to enforce the settlement terms, which include an agreement by the city to make improvements on ponding and grading issues adjacent to all buildings at Rockhaven by March 2026, as well as identify items that could be done during the six months following Jan. 1, 2025.”16


Now there is a plan set for the new year that will bring larger change and movement in a positive passage for Rockhaven Sanitarium. Following up with Friends of Rockhaven on their Instagram is a reliable source to keep up with the events for the property.

















​Proposed Improvement, courtesy of Rockhaven City Council. 15








1 Elisa Jordan, Rockhaven Sanitarium: The Legacy of Agnes Richards (Chicago: The History Press, 2018), 101 .

2 Jordan, Rockhaven Sanitarium, 101.

3 Jordan, Rockhaven Sanitarium, 101.

4 PBS SoCal. "Rockhaven: L.A.'s First Feminist Sanitarium." Departures. Accessed November 25, 2024.

  Elisa Jordan, Rockhaven Sanitarium: The Legacy of Agnes Richards (Chicago: The History Press, 2018), 104.

5 Jordan, Rockhaven Sanitarium, 104.

6 Adriana Widdoes, “Rockhaven: L.A.'s First Feminist Sanitarium,” PBS SoCal, October 16, 2015,

7 Widdoes, “Rockhaven: L.A.'s First Feminist Sanitarium.”

8 Elisa Jordan, Rockhaven Sanitarium: The Legacy of Agnes Richards (Chicago: The History Press, 2018), 103.

9 City of Glendale, “Rockhaven Sanitarium” Google Slides presentation, shared by Friends of Rockhaven, accessed 06 November 2024.

10 National Register of Historic Places, “Rockhaven Sanitarium Historic District” National Register Digital Assets (June 9, 2016): 16000355,; Jordan, 11 Rockhaven Sanitarium, 107.

12  Friends of Rockhaven (@friends_of_rockhaven), Instagram, accessed November 13, 2024,

13 Elisa Jordan, Rockhaven Sanitarium: The Legacy of Agnes Richards (Chicago: The History Press, 2018),107.

14 "Senator Anthony Portantino Secures $8 Million for Rockhaven Sanitarium," June 29, 2021, Senator Anthony Portantino, accessed November 13, 2024,

15 Rockhaven City Council. 2024-08-20_Rockhaven_City Council PPT. Google Slides, 2024. [Private link].

16 "City Settles Rockhaven Sanitarium Dispute," Glendale News-Press, accessed Novemebr 13, 2024,

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