Life At Rockhaven
Treatments and Therapies
Environmental Determinism-A strong emphasis was placed on creating a safe and peaceful environment where women could heal. The location of the Sanitarium was ideally situated for recovery, where clients could enjoy the warm and dry climate while at the same time being distant from city life. Founder Agnes Richards insisted on providing a homely environment for her clients, basing her facility in a two-story house. Instead of the practice of confinement, which was the standard of the time, women could relax in the garden and take in sunlight. The practice was coined environmental determinism for mental health facilities, the idea that the environment, including architecture and landscaping, shapes behavior.
from, Rockhaven Sanitarium: The Legacy of Agnes Richards
Art Therapy-Known today as art therapy, residents engaged in activities such as arts and crafts that helped against a regression in their illnesses by keeping their minds active and sharp. Music therapy sessions were offered weekly in which residents were encouraged to participate in sing-a-longs, musical entertainments, and rhythm-band meetings. Gardening classes, painting classes, and nutrition classes were also made available to Residents. Further mental stimulation such as reading, ping-pong, badminton, television, cards, games, crafting, theme parties, and outside entertainment were also an essential part of Rockhaven’s treatments.
Pet Therapy-Known today as pet therapy, the residents of Rockhaven would on occasion bring their pets to interact with residents. While the pets were not allowed to stay in the facility, the pets were allowed to stay with local nurses.
Electroshock therapy-Like most institutions of the time, electroshock therapy was offered at Rockhaven for residents who were diagnosed as depressed or acutely disturbed. The procedure involves placing electrodes on the head of the resident while applying a momentary electric current, stimulating the tissues of the brain while inducing a period of unconsciousness. This practice was eventually discontinued.
Hydrotherapy Therapy & Massages-Rockhaven also offered Hydrotherapy and massages. Hydrotherapy was a common and inexpensive treatment for the clients which consisted of placing patients in tubs of water while using packs and sprays. These served as a stimulant or sedative. Covers were then placed over the tubs to either insulate the water temperature and/or restrain patients.
Psychotherapy- Involves talking out issues with patients in order to get to the root cause of their issues/illnesses and then develop effective strategies to cope and manage their mental illness.
Medications-In accordance with each resident’s doctor, medications such as
Antidepressants, Anti-anxiety, Mood-stabilizing, and Antipsychotic were prescribed to manage the symptoms and illnesses of each patient.
Rules and Regulations
No reference to patients, all people at the service of the center would be referred to as “ladies”. Meant to emphasize the humane treatment of their female patients at a time when they could often be victims of abuse within similar facilities which were beginning to become popular at the time. Care was meant to be holistic Venturing outdoors for patients, enjoying gardens, architecture, landscaping were not necessarily a rule but were highly encouraged. The facility exclusively required the hiring of female staff, and only admission of females in order to discourage the possibility of abuse. Staff encouraged the independence of the patients' lives and mobility.

While independence and keeping the human portion of the site was ultimately the goal, Rokchaven was still a hospital and was therefore required to keep the “ladies” within for their own safety. This was exemplified with the escape of Marilyn Monroe's mother Gladys Baker, in which she put herself in danger by “lowering herself 8ft to the ground”. Baker was required to move to a more intensive facility after her escape once she was found by authorities.
Cottages housed the ladies in double and single room locations. The cottages each contained a living room and furnishing reminiscent of modern home design. In addition, the building names had also been altered from the disheartening ward number system used in most medical institutions of the period. Instead, the cottages were provided names which invoked a sense of peace and the tranquility of nature such as Acorn, Rose, and Willows.
Evolution of the Facilities Goals
Started as a place of “rest and rehabilitation for those suffering from overwork and exhaustion”
This goal was reflected in the outdoor and movement based treatments, as the earlier years the staff would only take in “ambulatory women” who could engage in these treatments
Later on, an emphasis on “elder issues and dementia” became more prevalent and led to conversion of a building into "The Little Hospital”, a space where they could still remain within the facility and its practices but with further accommodations to their limited mobility.
In 1954 Agnes’ granddaughter, Patricia Traviss gradually began to take greater control of the facilities operations, as Agnes herself had begun to slow down, and in 1969 the primary focus was shifted on being a fully “secured home for elderly women.” This goal would last until Traviss’ retirement in 2001, when the facility was sold to the Ararat Home.
Cottage Care policies were implemented upon purchasing, homes already existed prior to purchase, later on Agnes had “dorm like buildings built."
Agnes was heavily inspired by the Cottage Plan, a series of ideas put forth by mid 19th century doctors which proposed a vision of mental facilities with the design aesthetic and layout of a small village. Dr. Charles Maurice Grimes stated in a 1931-1993 study that, “Comfort, hygiene, sanitation, beauty and pleasure” were key areas of emphasis for institutions implementing the Cottage Plan.
Patients that needed a greater degree of supervision and extended care would be required to stay in the Annex building. Those who would have required “complete rest” or the usage of electroshock therapy would be treated instead in the Oaks Cottage.
The Annex Building
from, Rockhaven Sanitarium: The Legacy of Agnes Richards
Other Facilities of the Era
Patton State Hospital (1883- active), located in Highland, California, is known as “The Insane Asylum,” “Southern California Asylum for the Insane and Inebriate,” and “ Highland Insane Asylum.” This hospital took alcoholics, drug addicts, criminals, epileptics, people with mental and genetic disorders. During the first decade of the new century it was known as “ Patton Hospital” and “Patton State Hospital.” Harry W. Patton was one of the first members of the hospital's board of managers. The Centralized Kirkbride System was replaced by a cottage layout. The new layout included a chicken coop, farm, piggery, cannery, sewing facilities, industrial workshops, and recreational areas for patients staying at this location. Kirkbride buildings suffered damage from earthquakes. Today, Patton State Hospital is a forensic hospital and treatment is judicially committed.
Stockton State Hospital opened its doors in 1853 with the purpose of treating the effects of the Gold Rush. The early structure housed 325 patients. Stockton State Hospital was accredited for its programs for the mentally ill, but like many hospitals of the time faced accusations of abuse from patients. Stockton State Hospital closed its doors in 1995.
Patton State Hospital
Metropolitan State Hospital opened in 1916 and is still open to this day. When opened, the public hospital in the city of Norwalk, California, was self-sufficient with farms and animals. The hospital had patients who were acutely ill. Many of the patients were also people unable to stand trial, in conservatorships, and people with mental disorders. There is a history of alleged coercive drugging of patients.
Stockton State Hostpital
Glendale Sanitarium, founded by James and Ellen White, opened in 1905 and is currently open and known as “Glendale Adventist Medical Center.” Prior to becoming a Sanitarium, it was a hotel and school for girls. This is a private hospital that believes in scientific method, exercise, rest, and reflection. The hospital has spa treatments and exercise routines for patients. The architecture of the building is similar to a Victorian style hotel.
Barlow Sanitarium (1902- active) is also known as “Barlow Respiratory Hospital.” It was founded by Dr. W. Jarvis Barlow. The hospital staff treated tuberculosis. Some treatment programs available at Barlow Sanitarium are the Ventilator Weaning Program, Wound care programs, Care for Chronically ill.
Barlow Sanitarium
In April 2023, Friends of Rockhaven, a nonprofit preservation organization, filed a lawsuit against the city of Glendale for failure of the city and the city council to comply with the Glendale Municipal code to maintain and preserve the historic property. Among the allegations was that the negligence of maintaining Rockhaven Sanitarium had increased the overall costs to repair therefore costing public money. On October 25, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge signed court papers agreeing to oversee the settlement terms in which the city agreed to make improvements on all grading and ponding issues at Rockhaven by March 2026. The city also agreed to conduct structural assessments of the Coulter Cottage and Nurses Cottage and will within the year identify other maintenance issues and take the appropriate rehabilitation steps

Public perceptions of mental illness as well as mental care during the mid 20th century was not well understood by the general public. Hostility against those struggling was common, typically from a place of fear or misunderstanding. This came to a head as exemplified in this headline: “60 Insane in Rest Home Stir Protest” in response to claims that residents of the Rockhaven Facility caused great unrest within the local neighborhood at night. These claims were brought on by local resident Oscar Johnson. Agnes Richards proceeded to take legal action against Johnson, to which the court favored Agnes. Agnes received $800 USD from the case's success.
Works Cited
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18) ———. Agnes Richards Nursing Plaque. Photograph. RockHaven Sanitarium, n.d. RockHaven Sanitarium.
19) ———. Annex Hospital. Photograph. RockHaven Sanitarium, n.d. RockHaven Sanitarium.
20) ———. Bedroom. Photograph. RockHaven Sanitarium, n.d. RockHaven Sanitarium.
21) ———. Bedside With Rosary. Photograph. RockHaven Sanitarium, n.d. RockHaven Sanitarium.
22) ———. Courtyard With Statue. Photograph. RockHaven Sanitarium, n.d. RockHaven Sanitarium.
23) ———. Nurses & Hydrotherapy. Photograph. RockHaven Sanitarium, June 12, 2016. RockHaven Sanitarium.
24) ———. Mental Health Therapy Boards. Photograph. RockHaven Sanitarium, April 28, 2018. RockHaven Sanitarium.
25) ———. Wins Damage Suit. Photograph. RockHaven Sanitarium, April 12, 2008. RockHaven Sanitarium.
26) ———. Double Room. Photograph. RockHaven Sanitarium, n.d. RockHaven Sanitarium.
27) Glendale Sanitarium. Photograph. Glendale, 1930. Glendale.
28) Linkchorst, Joanna. 60 Insane in “Rest Home” Stir Protest. Photograph. RockHaven Sanitarium, November 3, 2022. RockHaven Sanitarium.
29) Linkchorst, Joanna. Electroshock Equipment. Photograph. RockHaven Sanitarium, April 18, 2016. RockHaven Sanitarium.
30) Linkchorst, Joanna. Nurses. Photograph. RockHaven Sanitarium, n.d. RockHaven Sanitarium.
31) Linkchorst, Joanna. Slander Damage Newspaper. Photograph. RockHaven Sanitarium, n.d. RockHaven Sanitarium.
32) Patton State. Photograph. Patton State Hospital, December 3, 2024. Patton State Hospital.